Your pets are treasured members of your family, and our goal is to help you keep them healthy and strong. To do it, you’ll need to support multiple internal systems including their digestion, their joints, their brain, and more, which is exactly what UltaPet™ is designed to do. UltaPet™ Hip + Joint Food Topper was created to make it easy for you to ensure the nutrition they need in order to be healthy, strong, and energetic.
Formulated Using The Best All Natural Ingredients
Contrary to popular belief, many pet foods and supplements aren’t formulated using high-quality ingredients. In fact, many are filled with cheap, toxic fillers that actually do more harm to your pet over the long term. And that’s what makes UltaPet™ Hip + Joint different from all the rest. Not only is it formulated using the highest quality ingredients, but each ingredient is carefully chosen for its ability to support specific health markers within your pet, such as CPRO® BioSoluble® Curcumin™.
With more than 13,000 peer-reviewed articles on clinical potential, curcumin promotes health and mitigates disease in a number of areas including cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, dermatologic, endocrine, metabolic, neurologic, oncologic, autoimmune, inflammatory, GI, hepatic, psychological, age-related disorders, improved health, longevity, and more.
Give Your Dog The Gift Of Optimized Health
Powered by TerraPro® Clay and CPRO® BioSoluble® Curcumin™, UltaPet™ Hip + Joint Food Topper is a proprietary blend of ingredients formulated to help improve your dog’s digestion, immune health, joint health, and more.
With unmatched absorption properties that help bind toxins and remove them from your dog’s digestive system, TerraPro® Clay is a powerful ally in helping to support their body in fighting inflammation. When combined with a nutritional powerhouse like CPRO® BioSoluble® Curcumin™, this incredible one-two punch is exactly what they need to ensure optimal health.
No matter your pet’s age, taking care of their health and improving their nutrition is important. Now it’s easier than ever to help them maintain and/or regain their energy, mobility, and vitality simply by adding UltaPet™ Hip + Joint to their food every day.